Sunday, March 2, 2008

Sunday afternoons

Sunday afternoons usually mean I finally pay attention to the online class I pay the least attention to. This semester it's History, last semester it was Music Appreciation. They both have/had quiz due dates of either Sunday night or Monday night, so I would generally open up the book for the first time Sunday morning.

So far, this system of studying for neglected classes has worked out fine. Generally Sunday's are about doing laundry and planning for the week ahead. "Studying" for these lame classes usually fits in quite well with this schedule.

Right now I'm going over a practice quiz from the textbook online. The instructor has us linked from the class to the 4th edition of the book online. For the class we actually have the 6th edition. It was so lame a few chapters ago, I realized he was taking quiz questions directly from the practice tests for the 6th edition of the book online. I relied on that for a while, and then last week I got really lazy, and just went to those questions, jotted down the right answers to those I didn't already know and went into the test. And guess what? Totally different questions.... argh!!! I still managed 4/5, okay but not the perfect quiz scores I had previously rang up. This week I'm going back to my old ways, thoroughly read the chapter, do both version 4 and 6 practice quizzes... and THAT should do me good.

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