Saturday, April 19, 2008

That which makes me busy...

The end of the semester is near. As I am a fairly new student (I was online classes before) I did not quite pick up on the fact that classes end before finals! Argh! When I kept hearing about x, y and z being due the last week of classes, I though that meant the last week when there was finals! So CRAP! I had to write two extra credit papers for Speech this week, one was 2 page minimum and I did 2.5 and the other was 3 page minimum and I did 6 pages.

I'll have an english paper due on the day of our final. The week of finals, I will have Math, History and Economics. I may try to take care of History the week of the 21st. Speech will be basically taken care of on the 22nd, I'll be doing my Demonstration speech. The day of our final the other half of the class will be doing their demonstration speech (and I will be doing a make up jackpot speech). Even though I'm a little cranky that the second group gets to do their demonstration speech with an extra 9 days to prepare... the more I think about it, the more glad I am... I would really rather have mine over with before finals and not have to worry about that at all that week.

Overall, I think I'm, in okay/good shape. I did some number crunching for my history class and I only need an 84 on my final to get an A in the class. Yay! I need to do similar number crunching for Econ...

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