Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Speech Grades


Yes, that's a string of pseudo-cuss words. So my lovely hard-ass speech instructor didn't give us grades for our last two major speeches. Simply bitchiness was her excuse. So she tells the class we can contact her and find out after she completes the grades. So I approached her after class and got her cell phone number. No big deal, she's offered that to the class several times on an individual basis. So she gives me her cell phone number, SHE WRITES IT DOWN FOR ME, and invites me to call her after Monday. No big deal

So Monday afternoon rolls around and that number she gives me doesn't work!!!!! I tried several times with no luck. Some weird message saying I entered the wrong code or that I mis-dialed. WTF? I've tried here and there over the previous few days and same thing. Chris, my husband thinks its hilarious, that she gave me a fake number - referencing a Seinfeld episode where Elaine gives out a wrong number on purpose. ughhhhhhhhhh...

I'm just pissed. I want those grades. Yes, I got an A in the class, but I still want feedback on all of my major speeches. This totally blows. I emailed her... we'll see if she ever responds... I doubt she will.

#$%^#$^&%^&$#%^#@$%^$&$%.... more cussing.

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