Sunday, August 24, 2008
Textbook Deals
NSCC Best price total: $487.25
My shopping total: $327.41
Wow!! That's a pretty damned big difference!!! I'd gladly pay 327 instead of nearly 500 ANY DAY.
My ethics book looks pretty intense, the Fiction book is immense and I've peaked at the Photography book as that was the first book to arrive - and the first chapter is sailing right over my head but I guess that's why I'm taking the class... learn something, not rehash something I already know.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Am I a dork or what?

I'm going to be a Math Major, I guess I've got to find great humor in things like this.
Plus, imaginary numbers really ticked me off with I learned them. OMG!!! What a freakin' mess? It really makes me wonder about the people who created/discovered/invented/smoked crack while they did it. I really consider imaginary numbers as some seriously messed up. you-know-what. Really.
But I'll be wearing this shirt with pride. Wagering is welcome... How long will it take me to wear this shirt to my math class? It's a M-F class (super yuck). I'll be begin posting about fall semester tomorrow. I've already received 3 out of 5 book orders I placed on Saturday. Classes start in 5 days!!! wooo-hooo!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Should Math be this much fun?
Damn! If I knew this would be so much fun, I would have done this years ago. Also, as a disclaimer I should mention that I had a Red Bull late this afternoon to help me with my studies tonight. I swear, it works, it helps me wonders. Summer classes, even just two, have been harder to juggle than I thought it would be. I've just been so tired at the end of the day with the two kids and their bickering and whatever activities we've been part of during the day.
I had to move out of my fabulous chair, my regular study spot. My legs got sunburned today and the very warm laptop even with some insulation between, made me WAY too warm. I'm now at the kichen table with the heat of my laptop well spaced away from my legs AND a fan blowing cool air above me.
It is getting a bit late, I'm running out of steam a little bit, plus I opened a beer for a refreshing beverage when I moved out here to the kitchen. Kinda made myself wind down for the evening. I feel I got lots done though. :D
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Summer Semester - week 1
Arghh!!!!!!! When will I learn to take the proverbial chill pill BEFORE classes start? This is the 4th semester I've begun, and I do this same thing to myself every time.
I've just got two classes going on this summer. History and Algebra. The History is a continuation of what I've taken before, American History since 1877. And the Algebra is my very first EVER college level math class.
My history class is quite different than the previous class I had. Definitely not a lame instructor here. There's no textbook in fact and no tests. Only 100points total for the class and they all come from essay question quizzes that will we have each week. The quizzes are due each Friday (god, I loved the Sunday night due dates, Friday kind of blows). We'll see how this instructor is... I just kind of slapped stuff together for the first two quizzes. He may rip those to shreds and that would be deserved. I'll be okay with C or D grades for the first round. At least I'll learn what exactly he's after. We'll see. I'm anxious to see how slow/fast this instructor is with getting grades back to us. Again, if his standards are HIGH high High and he's going to preface every sentence about expectations with "you're in college now"... I will want to hold him to similar expectations. gahhh... it's only fair.
Math: I've just finished up my first batch of homework. It wasn't too hard, as long as you don't count the hour I spent on one problem. I would swear to god that my new graphing calculator (the TI-83+) smokes crack. It was just being insane and not doing what the "TI-83+ Graphing Calculator for Dummies" book was telling, or the text book or the class videos. The machine was just being loony and I was about to cry it just wasn't working. So after nearly an hour of this, I gave myself permission to just SKIP that question. Jeeze, I should make myself skip troublemakers after 15-20 minutes max. I had four sections of math to get done, it was only my goal to get 3 done, but I actually pushed through and got all four done.
My goal for the coming week will be to do the practice exercises for each section and do the practice quiz/test for Module One. That will be due in 8 days. Plenty of time. There's weird stuff too I haven't read over yet for the class, like the dropbook. I need to read about that. I guess we need to show our work for a few problem per section. Yippee... and then there's the stupid discussion. I will talk about my calculator smoking crack when I'm not around and I'll recommend the "For Dummies" book for specific calculators.
Two weeks ago I got three novels out of the library. I've barely started one. I'm still not even halfway through the Andrew Jackson biography I'm still interested in, and I have another novel given to me by a friend I want to read. Its from an author I've heard great great things about, Gabriel Garcia Marquez. There's a few books of his I definitely want to read. This one I have, The Autumn of the Patriarch isn't very long. I look forward to Love in the Time Cholera and One Years of Solitude.
Time... I really need time. I often think of sleep, and doing without. But then I've read about how the government has REALLY studied this issue as well. With the space program, they wanted to get the absolute MOST out of the astronauts they were sending into space... initially they hoped the astronauts could work work work the entire time they were up there. Well, it just simply turns out humans NEED to sleep. Bummer - because that would really be a nice chunk of time to get things done. :D
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Speech Grades
Yes, that's a string of pseudo-cuss words. So my lovely hard-ass speech instructor didn't give us grades for our last two major speeches. Simply bitchiness was her excuse. So she tells the class we can contact her and find out after she completes the grades. So I approached her after class and got her cell phone number. No big deal, she's offered that to the class several times on an individual basis. So she gives me her cell phone number, SHE WRITES IT DOWN FOR ME, and invites me to call her after Monday. No big deal
So Monday afternoon rolls around and that number she gives me doesn't work!!!!! I tried several times with no luck. Some weird message saying I entered the wrong code or that I mis-dialed. WTF? I've tried here and there over the previous few days and same thing. Chris, my husband thinks its hilarious, that she gave me a fake number - referencing a Seinfeld episode where Elaine gives out a wrong number on purpose. ughhhhhhhhhh...
I'm just pissed. I want those grades. Yes, I got an A in the class, but I still want feedback on all of my major speeches. This totally blows. I emailed her... we'll see if she ever responds... I doubt she will.
#$%^#$^&%^&$#%^#@$%^$&$%.... more cussing.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Final Grades - Spring 08
Four A's and one B! and I don't think that B really counts because it wasn't an undergraduate class, it was a get-up-to-college-level-remedial class.
I'm very proud of myself and I don't think I could have done this without the help of Red Bull. Perhaps I didn't go back to school before was because Red Bull wasn't in the US when I was in school previously. Read about its origins here.
Yay Me! I feel like anything is possible now! I did so well with my first full load of college!
Now to decide what I'll do this summer. I'm still torn between 2 or 3 classes. Microeconomics is the one I'm the fence about. Still time to decide.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Testing Center Nightmare
These ladies who work at the testing center at my school are UN-freakin'-believable. Its the testing center, there are signs all over the place that say "shhhhhhhh" and what do they do? They talk and laugh, and people come by to talk to them where they laugh and talk even louder. And their laughs... OMG, it's loud and cackling... part of my head still hurts from hearing it. Honestly.
I felt that I was going okay on my math final, and I had mentally prepped myself for taking my time and thoroughly working through all the mutliple choices for the problems and then going back over everything, and really just being very careful and thorough. This stuff was not hard, I had a good handle on ALL of it in my practice and actual work up to that point.
Those ladies made it freakin' impossible to stay in there one minute longer. Yes, its bad in the moment, but I was so ANNOYED at the scene that I had to get out of there for my own mental health.
There are signs on the door from the actual testing area to the reception area, that say very BIG, please keep the door shut... and do you think think these ladies keep that door shut as THEY come and go? NO! So, even when they're talking in normal voices, which I realize they have to as they sign in people coming in, they can be heard.
This is just horrible. I was determined to complain to someone. This is not the first time this has happened... its happened too many times. So when I left the testing center, which is basically its own two rooms in the corner of the library, I went to the library desk and asked who was in charge of the testing center. The person I asked, pointed inside, "the woman in the blue shirt" argh..... I'm not going to complain to HER, she's in there and freakin' clueless. So I ask, "who's HER supervisor?" and it was a nice woman in a yellow shirt and I explained how awful they are and inconsiderate blah blah blah, and she expressed concern, there have been problems before and they've been talked to before about this same shit. Argh. I was exasperated but tried very hard to be calm and not as pissed off as I otherwise felt.
I did LOUSY on my math final. I can't totally blame those ladies, but they did not help one bit. So it's kind of a mixed bag for me... being pissed off mad, or being down on myself for doing such a shit job on this test. :(
Monday, April 21, 2008
Demonstration Speech - Hummus
Here I am practicing my demonstration speech in my kitchen for speech class tomorrow. I'll actually be bringing in my food processor (it just barely fits into my rolling computer case) and all the fixings. I'll basically be doing everything the same. Except...
Improvements will be, I'm swapping out that metal spoon with something quieter. and I will talk more, no more silent places while I'm focussed on something else, that's just not entertaining for the audience, I need to talk - just like they coached the contestants for The Next Food Network Star.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
That which makes me busy...
I'll have an english paper due on the day of our final. The week of finals, I will have Math, History and Economics. I may try to take care of History the week of the 21st. Speech will be basically taken care of on the 22nd, I'll be doing my Demonstration speech. The day of our final the other half of the class will be doing their demonstration speech (and I will be doing a make up jackpot speech). Even though I'm a little cranky that the second group gets to do their demonstration speech with an extra 9 days to prepare... the more I think about it, the more glad I am... I would really rather have mine over with before finals and not have to worry about that at all that week.
Overall, I think I'm, in okay/good shape. I did some number crunching for my history class and I only need an 84 on my final to get an A in the class. Yay! I need to do similar number crunching for Econ...
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Tax Day Tuesday
Get the kids off to school and now is the time to get serious about final practice for my speech. I'm writing out my main points onto notecards when I laugh at myself, CLASS starts in about 1 hour and I'm doing this now?? jeeze... generally I'm not that kind of student.
As I'm driving to school, I realize that I left my wallet at home and that I forgot to brush my teeth. Well, as much as it sucks to have no money, no id and no means of getting money... I was more concerned about not having brushed my teeth. It was group speech day and I thought it was very likely that I would be face-to-face with my group members and I DID NOT need to knock them over with my breath! Luckily I've done this before, and I have travel toothpaste and a tooth brush in my van. and I had an empty cup in which to spit and some water to rinse with. Good. I did this in the parking lot at school. I'm so cool, I noticed that there was someone in their vehicle to my right, so I made sure I did this while looking out to the left.
Well, I get out of the van, backpack over one shoulder and I take about two steps, I stepped on a rough seam of the pavement, my ankle twists and I fall. I fall HARD. Onto my knees and hands. OUCH! I'm totally amazed I did not tear my tights. Wouldn't that have looked great while giving a speech? Torn tights and white-ass bare knees! Well, that didn't happen. I recovered ok... but yes, the contact points have been sore all day, my wrists are sore, my neck is sore and I've had a headache all day. Is it possible to get a form of whiplash from falling like that? I'm certain my head was jerked when I fell so fast. Ugh.
My speech went well. My group was the first to go. Everyone looked over the outline and they were pleased. As we're getting up there, Heidi says "I'm setting the timer for 15 minutes" WTF? She harped on us about 3-4 minutes per person. That does not equal 15 minutes!!! WTF! Quanda was great and she really stretched her part. She later said she can't help herself, that's just the way she is... but man! She totally saved us on our time. We were still under time, hell, none of the other groups hit the minimum either - BECAUSE THIS SHIT INCONSISTENT INSTRUCTOR OF OURS told us 3 minutes per person was minimum. And today she insisted that it was 15-20 minutes.... good fuckin' lord. I will be so glad her class is over, she's so inconsistent and rather bitchy. You can not tell her what she did or didn't say... SHE knows best. Yeah right, she's totally guilty of not being able to keep her classes straight, and I don't totally blame her, I think she has 7 sections of the same class. yuck, not my idea of enjoyable teaching.
This has gotten too long. Not any great insight into being a student... I have a headache and while I've been writing this I've had both kids complain to me about 20 different issues that are really close to meaningless. I'm actually sitting out in the living room with my laptop, in the same room as the kids... I shouldn't allow myself to be such a target - by being available. What a lousy mother I am.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Mentally Hard Time
So here I am working on a list of questions to go along with the book we just read, The Kite Runner... and I'm looking up the Kite Runner online, reading reviews, reading interviews... oh yeah I want to read more about Hazaras....
I decide to IM a friend I'm not in too much touch with lately, send him a link to this blog, and my laptop starts being pyscho. I didn't trust myself to type out my web address, so I went to blogger to simply copy it. Then blogger had logged me out (I actually have two google accounts) I couldn't remember the password I used, the first three were rejected... so I went through the password request steps... but Google talks to me in Spanish and I tried to change my password in Spanish but got majorly confused even though I tried it about 7 times. I yelled at my spanish speaking friend who WASN'T ONLINE to help me here.... I tried to yell at my ISP but they told me Chat help wasn't available to people in Michigan ... WTF? I'm in Tennessee! I frustrate myself further with getting myself into English for Google and I think I may have solved it... but we'll see... I don't actually think the problem is solved.
So I get myself here into my blogger stuff. I realize, SHIT! I have an econ test tomorrow, I really should study for that. And @%%$#@$% There's a history quiz tomorrow too!! Only five points but still, I'm that kind of student, I sweat over 5 point quizzes.
My brain is fried with all my distractions, its not even funny. I think I'll pour a Diet Dr. Pepper and go outside and smoke. Maybe if I can figure out a way to do that for 20 minutes solid I can clear my brain.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Economics Unfairness
From the very begining of his class he's stressed very clearly that he does not give extensions for missed tests (this is an online class and he even plainly states if you like to procrastinate, you won't do well in his class). Well, I took note of the deadlines for the 4 tests plus the midterm and final and even though I've been taking these tests ON THE LAST DAY POSSIBLE, I haven't missed one and I'd be in a total panic if I had... I know I'm risking **something** by waiting until the end, massive illness, car accident... I don't know what it could be, but it could be something.
So we're just about at the eve of our last test, and he sends out his reminder email... "Several students have missed one test this semester and will receive their lowest test score as a substitute. The second missed test will receive a score of zero. This usually happens because of procrastination and affects your semester grade. I encourage you to take the test well in advance of the deadline."
Well, how how fair is that? NOW if you miss a test, your lowest grade will substitute in for that ZERO you earned. This is not how he explained how things would go down for us at the beginning. I think people who missed a test deserve their zero... what if I choose to miss this next test coming up? I'll get an 82 on it for a whole lot less effort. and what if I score less than an 82 on this test? You can BET a million dollars that I will raise this issue with my instructor about subbing that 78 I theoretically earned with my previous lowest test score, the 82.
I would seriously consider following up on skipping this last test, but questions for the final will in part be drawn directly from this test... I definitely want to HAVE this test to study from, and if I don't take the test, I'm not certain I will have access to it afterwards. I hope this makes sense.
And please, tell me with comments below how fair you think this change in policy is. I think it's ridiculous and unfair to student who take tests seriously!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Two A's
Last week, my 1st grader cried and cried, sobbing really, about 3 S's on her schoolwork papers. There are only S's and N's (Satisfactory and Not Satisfactory), and sometimes if the teacher is so moved there will be an S+ or S- ... so why would this almost 7 year old cry and cry about S's? because she expected herself to do better, she really felt that she had done better.
I talked to her the following day about how Daddy and I feel about S's, they make us smile and we know she's doing a good job. Even an S- would only make us frown a little bit because we know that she could do better but we wouldn't say anything to her about it. An N would definitely make us talk to her about this. Both my kids are quite intelligent, their only trouble in school really to date has been effort, and issues related to organization and laziness (gee, I wonder who they get THAT from.... )
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Monday Plans
Tomorrow I will need to get my stuff together for my part of the group speech outline. I should also get a start on all the questions for english class. I should also finish chapter 16 in Econ... I started that last night, but all all amazing things, I fell asleep with the book in my lap.
Tomorrow though, I will bring my econ book to the nail place. My fingernails have been growing very nicely lately, I think I'll go for a manicure as well. Aren't I livin' the life? :P
Why I don't like Economics...
"Supply shocks increase the price level and increase unemployment, while an increase in investment would increase the price level but reduce unemployment."
" •money multiplier
The ratio of the increase in total checking account deposits to an initial cash deposit. "

Feeling Calm
I've just finished my History quiz for this week, and I'm a bit ahead in my reading for econ, but then I could do the online exercises (yes, I really should do the online exercises because the readings sailed right over my head. I'm so tired of charts shifting to the left or right - econ is so not for me!!!!).
I suppose I will work on my portion of the group speech. My group will be addressing student stress, I will be tackling preventing stress - the overall type of speech is problem/solutions. My group is with three others. Brian will be coving the introduction and explaining why stress is a problem, the bulk of the speech will be preventing stress and Joseph and I will be covering that. Quanda will talk about managing stress and do the conclusion. I emailed everyone Friday morning and I've only heard back from Brian. I made clear what parts we're each responsible for and what we should have for class on Tuesday. Since I haven't heard back from two of them, I really don't know if they've read this. But that is Joseph and Quanda, they're otherwise pretty on top of things as far as students go and I will trust them to do their part, well, the situation I'm in I HAVE TO trust them....
Thursday, April 3, 2008
SO much to do!
- Math - maybe 3 hours or so of work to get done, its lesson 9, 3 different sections and the homework is due Saturday night (it's an online class)
- English - by Tuesday I need to be up to chapter 15 of The Kite Runner, not too big of a deal, but still its about 100 pages to read... I will need to make time to sit down and read.
- Speech - group speech is likely next week. I need to do a bit research and my part of the outline. I also volunteered for my group to DO the outline, and I'm also organizing and directing the efforts of others.
- Econ - there's another big test the Monday after next. I CAN NOT put off reading and studying this chapters for the last possible week. I want myself to have read 2 of the 3 chapters needed by the end of this weekend.
- History - close to the same situation, but I have a small brainless quiz due on Monday. I need to read and review that chapter (13?) over the weekend.
- Parthenon - I'm nearing the end of my training to become a docent at the Parthenon. There's a class Saturday morning (we're likely starting early) to attend. Next Saturday is graduation and I will be doing a presentation of a paper I'm supposed to have written. So, next week I need to write that paper... only a page or two. I will be discussing neo-classical architecture in Nashville.
- Misc. for next week. Let's see... Wednesday afternoon my son has an appt, Thursday morning there's something at my kids school at 730, then I have classes from 930-1220, then I have an appt at 1pm then at 430 I'm taking the kids to the rollerskating rink (school thing), then I'm volunteering in my daughters classroom Friday morning... and I think there's something else next Friday.
Tonight though, I'm still holding onto the fantasy of finishing my math work and then rewarding myself with a viewing of Survivor which I recorded earlier. That and a beer will be a wonderful way to finish the day.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Persusive Speech Day
Other news.... I finally got my test results from that history test two weeks ago, I got a 93, very nice. My previous test score was 92 in that class. There are only 3 tests in this class, so instead of being mega-uptight about that fact, I'm actually feeling pretty good.
That week I had two major tests and a paper due within 36 hours of each other.... overall I got A's on both tests and a B on that paper (I had kinda veered away from the assigned topic some, but I would still argue over the wording of the assignment).
I have a new paper to write for english... I think I'm going to rely on the power of procrastination to get that done. There's nothin' like the last minute for motivation right?
My Persuasive Speech
I'm attempting to persuade you to change your health habits in order to reduce inflammation in your body.
Yes, I'm nervous, Yes I'm looking at my note cards too much.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Productive Monday
I scored an 88 on my Econ test. I had really done a lousy job at reading/studying these 3 chapters... so I didn't feel too good about taking the test today, the last day I possibly can take this test... argh!!!! So as I did study for this test, I was becoming more and more anxious about it. I really was, to the point I was just a scatterbrain and I couldn't concentrate at ALL.
There were several other things going on as well at this time... I also had to finalize my outline for persuasive speech (which is tomorrow), so I worked on that this morning.... I got my new laptop late this morning as well... I first told myself I would open it up AFTER my econ test, but that resolve only lasted about an hour. I rationalized opening the new laptop by saying I wanted to review the powerpoint slides while sitting in my fabulous chair... with my screwed up screen on my old laptop, powerpoint was pretty much out of the question. And lastly, I was distracted by these stupid wrist braces I have to wear 23 hours a day because my carpal tunnel syndrome has flared up again. Argh.
But after reviewing the powerpoint presentations for each of the chapters, I went right into the test. I wasn't feeling very strong at it, I did have the book as a resource but I just wasn't very confident. I had one question that just plain ticked me off and it was a basic econ type concept questions but just wasn't addressed in anything we had read... so I called my husband at work. He was an econ major. And the question was basically "which is more liquid, stocks or fine art?" I knew of course currency is the most liquid, but WTF? stocks or fine art? which is more liquid? Chris thought fine art was less liquid than stocks, and I kinda thought so to even though that was just a guess.... we were both right as it turns out. And I got an 88 on this mofo test.
About an hour ago, I drank a cup of coffee to quickly, my stomach has been queasy ever since... argh. Still today I need to practice my speech and write a 1.5 page draft of something for english. Argh!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
What a Freakin' Afternoon!
I got a 94!! yay!! my best quiz score yet!
and as I was taking this quiz, one child screamed at me, I yelled at the other child, there's a big wood chipper two doors down (between the yelling and the wood chipper I have a headache, and I'm a headache wimp, I get them so rarely)...
Oh! and I had to freakin' fight with my laptop for about 10 minutes, ultimately having to reboot the mofo before taking the quiz!
Oh! and this 94 was technically my 2nd try at this quiz... I scored an 81 my first try. And as part of my computer problems before the quiz, I clicked to open the quiz and it didn't open... it just didn't open, so I had to restart IE (piece of shit program), and then from there I had to reboot the whole dang system. And I had an attempt shown for that! Oh well, as long as I did better than okay and I had the energy to attempt the quiz again I wasn't going to both with it.
and a 94 is just fine with me. This is only 1 of 4 quizzes for the class, and quizzes are only 5% of the grade. I don't know why I stress out so much with these.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Lots to do
I have to get my speech put together. The more I think about my instructor, the more I think she's a bitch and I don't like her.
I just took it easy tonight. So I still haven't done my english homework - I'll save it for tomorrow morning - yah, how smart is THAT? Do it the morning it's due? just dumb.
I worked on Math a lot today. I realized I didn't just mess up the schedule on one date. I have a whole other section to cover and the quiz is due on Thursday. I guess you could say I'm a little behind. Good thing quizzes are only 10% of the grade. But still I like to do well.
Econ and History I need to get caught up with the reading. By next Monday for both the classes there's a quiz (history) or a test (econ again)... History I need to cover chapter 12, for Econ I need to cover chapters 12-14 and I've only read ch.12 so far.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Did I do anything this weekend?
I can't think of what I did school-work-wise this weekend! OH! naughty me! well, not quite naughty, but this morning I went into my math class (online class) to do the homework I thought was due tomorrow night. Well, it turned out it was actually due last night! great. The instructor is a very nice lady and I simply asked her for more time and she emailed me the password to access the work. Yay. Thank You Dr. Forbes! So I worked on that today. But then the last two problems made me cranky... the exponents are just getting to funky. I couldn't help but think that whoever first thought to make exponents negative and then to make exponents as fractions, and then put those negative fractional exponents IN fractions themselves is really a twisted person... a sadist I daresay!
I still haven't done my english homework... but I did work on my speech outline some yesterday. Its starting to get more form. yay.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Spring Break II
Good thing (in a way) so much was due right before we left... it means I can kind of enjoy some down time before things heat up again.
I really didn't do squat yesterday. I had pulled out my econ book to stay on top of the readings to do but after reading about 3 paragraphs and realizing not ONE word was sticking in my brain, I bagged that idea.
My econ book has still been out today, but I've still ignored it. Well, actually I picked it up and brought it with me to this chair but then I decided to fire up my laptop and go to ebay for a new battery charger for my camera (I can't find my original dammit!)... and now here I am at blogger and NOT reading chapter 12 in my book.
Its kinda interesting how both my history and econ classes have just finished at chapter 10 and they're both skipping chapter 11, so for both classes I need to read chapter 12. Kinda weird how both my classes are at the same chapters.
I did read for my enlish comp. class.... Dr. Martin Luther's Letter from Birmingham. There's a writing assignment due on Tuesday. So I'm good shape for that class.
Also today I looked over speech topics for my upcoming persuasive speech. I think I'm going to persuade my audience that incorporating exercise and better diet is easy to do! yee-haw, where's my fritos?
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
VERY tough two days
This morning I managed to get myself together, I HAD to get to my speech class for today, there was a minor speech scheduled, she had told us so last week. So I get myself there. and she very quickly asks us to take out our index cards and twenty five cents. WTF? No one in the class knew what she was talking about. She then realized she hadn't given us this assigment last week and that we would flip the schedule around, cover chapter 10 originally scheduled for Thursday today, and do the jackpot speeches on Thursday. Well FUCK!
I had talked to her over a month ago about specifically choosing THAT date to be gone (my kids are on spring break this week, and we're going out of town) and I had even talked to her about sitting in on another class of hers because I really wanted to get the info for persuasive speeches. I was frustrated, I couldn't help but cry... WTF was I going to do now? I become very emotional and I couldn't STOP crying.
I even made the decision to skip my english comp class, all I needed to do was turn in my paper and that's that. Two other people in class did the same thing, one for legitimate reasons and the other I think was just wanting a reason. ARGH!
I went to the library and finished my study sheet for my history test, and then at noon I went to take the test. Twenty lousy questions! So freakin' lame! I really don't like these tests where there are FEW questions and HIGH point value per questions. I really don't like these. I have questions about three questions, I very likely missed those - and that's 24 points right there! Out of 200 possible points, thats 3 lousy questions will drop your grade by a full letter. Fuck! The essay part, there were two questions... I think I did okay on those. Last History test he graded me 100% on the essay parts (wooo-hooo!) and I thought I did B work on that... so we'll see how I do. I expect that grade back early next week.
After the history test was time to find my speech instructor, which I did and she offered to let me do this speech next week when we get back. As I left her office, I saw my english comp instructor, we made eye contact, I approached her. I said something along the lines of "I feel I need to explain my situation... I'm sick, I cried in my earlier class, I've had SO much going on this week... I just want to go home, so when I left your class I took care of my history test... argh" and of course I started crying as I said this, this poor woman, she really didn't need emotional me in her face... but she simply told me to go home and not worry about it.
Argh. My laptop is fucked up. I'm going to buy a new one next week likely. The screen is damaged, Chris pinched it last fall and it hasn't been the same since. Since then, here and there it will be really fucked up, but those were very brief moments. NOW, this has been like this since last night - fucked up. I'm having to get very creative and handy with keyboard shortcuts because I can't see the bottom third of my screen! :(
Monday, March 17, 2008
Too Tired to Really Celebrate
Short story short... I got an A on my midterm!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 90% I am VERY very pleased. OMG happy actually. I had only scored 82 and 84 on the previous tests... but I did the best I could and I got an A!
Now if I weren't so tired, and with a history test tomorrow and a paper due... maybe I can live it up tomorrow night - wouldn't that be the COOLEST if I get an A on my history test also? I did last time! but last time was easier.... wish me luck!
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Lazy and/or Desparate?
I'm **so** close to being done with a first draft of this paper and it’s **so** close to being a normal three pages the minimum... I just made it a full 3 pages by making the margins all around 1.1 inches... so lame! I should just finish this mofo.
The plan for tonight is to finish this paper, then study and review for the Economics midterm tomorrow. I will be lucky and happy to get a C on the Econ test. I just don't have a good feeling. But we'll see... I'll be doing that tomorrow morning. Red Bull is in the 'fridge awaiting me and darkness. Coffee from this morning is still at my side... I intend on staying up late tonight. Who the fuck knows? What if this paper I'm writing gets an A, I get an A on the history test and I pull a high scoring B on Econ?????? THAT would be a riot! I'm woefully unprepared for good grades this week. Damn. There's a lot this week.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
The Plan for 3/13
- History Quiz - take care of that for chapter 10. Do look up on 5 terms from study sheet.
- Econ - I'm actually undecided whether to continue with chapter 9 or go ahead with chapter 10... I'll probably study my wrong answers for ch. 9
- English - I HAVE to start on the outline for my paper.
If I had three extra days between now and Tuesday I would be in great shape. ARgh!!! HOW am I goin to get this all done? I gotta work! I'll check in here later.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Informative Speech Day
How about even earlier - first steps in any day for success, Breakfast. I had half a cup of coffee (leftover from yesterday) and a big handful of Fritos. Yeah. Breakfast of Champions I know.
I had made arrangments with Chris that I would bring Lila to him at 8:55, and then I would cruise on up to Nashville. Traffic was good to me, I was able to do 80 just about the entire way up there - and I wasn't the fastest person on the road! Ha! I love it when I can speed like that.
I got to my class with a bit of time to spare, the instructor wasn't around that I could ask her about leaving early, and when she came in she jumped right into what she does... she was barely done with her spiel, and I got up to do mine first. I had to set up the computer, so I did that while she got herself ready.
I was **close* to completely forgetting my introduction, and in fact I was able to start right in with the first 3 sentences or so and then I did go blank - totally blank - I was stopped obviously, but I even looked at my "audience" and grinned like "how is this happening? I have no idea what to say?"... argh!!!!!! but I recovered and dove right into my speech.
After that slighly rough start, everything went well. I saw the green card for the 5 minutes mark (the minimum) kept talking... then I saw the card for 8 minutes! Ack! point penalities for going over 8:30.... I was close enough to the end of the main body of my speech, so I wrapped that up quickly and went right into a slightly abbreviated conclusion.
It wasn't perfect, but it wasn't too bad either. I expect I'll get a B grade on this.
When I got home, in the afternoon actually - I put a movie on for Lila so I could have uninterupted study time (I was aiming for Econ ch. 9) I read maybe a page and a half and I realized how slow I was reading and how little I was actually comprehending... argh! It was bad. Then I realized the only coffee I had had so far was that half a cup from the morning... so? Did I get up and get some coffee? No. I pulled out the knitting loom that I wanted to learn how to use so I could teach Lila. And I did that for an hour.
Great use of time, I know. And now, after the kids have gone to bed, I'm too tired, I'm physically tired... and now I've really goofed off for an hour online. Chapter 9 Econ will have to wait until tomorrow.
Monday, March 10, 2008
The Perfect Storm
AND I HAVE A MAJOR SPEECH TO DO TOMORROW! There are no makeups, no rescheduling. None. Argh! Chris is totally slammed at work right now, but I did ask him and he agreed he will watch Lila tomorrow so I can do my speech. And I will leave right afterwards. (I hate to be such a jerk, to do mine and then leave and not listen to the others. I would like to tell my class, I'm not a jerk! I just can't be there today... ).
Today I mainly focussed on my speech. I cut my powerpoint presentation down by a good number of slides and I've been focussed on TIME. Yesterday I practice an entire run-through with Lila and I was about 60% of the way through and that was at 10 minutes! OUCH! This is suppossed to be a 5-7 minute speech! I found time (and the classroom schedule) and went up to NSCC to set up my presentation and to make sure that my wireless clicker actually works for that system, and the projector works, etc). It's 24 miles one way, and I only had about 40 minutes to be up there, but it was time well spent. It was just a relief to know that it will work.
Tomorrow I need to cover chapter 9 in econ. The readings and study-everything for chapter 8 went well. I actually scored 90% on the chapter practice exam - one of my better scores. I swear, the instructor always throws in one or two extra questions that don't cover anything related to what was in our materials. Aggravating!
Sunday, March 9, 2008
I just realized how screwed I am... not totally screwed as in the Econ Midterm is tomorrow, but it IS next Monday and I haven't even covered chapters 8-10 yet! Fuck! What was I thinking? I was thinking that March 17th seeems soooooo far away, and crap! How is it March 9th already?
I can probably do okay for this, but it is going to take A LOT of focus and time this week. Oh boy.... is there a drug that can keep me awake for about 3 days straight, no side effects and absolutely keeps my head clear while I'm awake. THAT would be such a good thing this week.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Spring Break Week
I read a book this week, well once I quit playing video games I finished the book.
My plan this week was to WRITE that stupid english paper. I haven't even yet decided on which topic (we have 3 to chose from). I was going to read my Economics (and I haven't even thought of it until I happened across my book about an hour ago) and I was going to decide on a topic for a position paper (I think I've chosen, but I really should start a little research for it)... oh!!!!! crud! I have a major speech on Tuesday when we get back and I have not practiced nor put together a powerpoint slide show. Maybe I can still work on that this afternoon.....
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Sunday afternoons
So far, this system of studying for neglected classes has worked out fine. Generally Sunday's are about doing laundry and planning for the week ahead. "Studying" for these lame classes usually fits in quite well with this schedule.
Right now I'm going over a practice quiz from the textbook online. The instructor has us linked from the class to the 4th edition of the book online. For the class we actually have the 6th edition. It was so lame a few chapters ago, I realized he was taking quiz questions directly from the practice tests for the 6th edition of the book online. I relied on that for a while, and then last week I got really lazy, and just went to those questions, jotted down the right answers to those I didn't already know and went into the test. And guess what? Totally different questions.... argh!!! I still managed 4/5, okay but not the perfect quiz scores I had previously rang up. This week I'm going back to my old ways, thoroughly read the chapter, do both version 4 and 6 practice quizzes... and THAT should do me good.