Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Two A's

Yay! Finally something school related to cheer me up.... I got my persuasive speech grade back (A-) and my english conciliatory letter back (also A-) Yay! Two A's! I like 'em.... and yes, that's only like 'em. I don't know whats in my head lately, I'm not even THAT happy with these A's. I'm not quite sure I would feel much different if they were both regular A's. What's with me?

Last week, my 1st grader cried and cried, sobbing really, about 3 S's on her schoolwork papers. There are only S's and N's (Satisfactory and Not Satisfactory), and sometimes if the teacher is so moved there will be an S+ or S- ... so why would this almost 7 year old cry and cry about S's? because she expected herself to do better, she really felt that she had done better.

I talked to her the following day about how Daddy and I feel about S's, they make us smile and we know she's doing a good job. Even an S- would only make us frown a little bit because we know that she could do better but we wouldn't say anything to her about it. An N would definitely make us talk to her about this. Both my kids are quite intelligent, their only trouble in school really to date has been effort, and issues related to organization and laziness (gee, I wonder who they get THAT from.... )

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