Sunday, March 23, 2008

Did I do anything this weekend?

grrrrrrrr..... it's been very hard getting back into the swing of things since we've been back. I need some serious time off from last week.

I can't think of what I did school-work-wise this weekend! OH! naughty me! well, not quite naughty, but this morning I went into my math class (online class) to do the homework I thought was due tomorrow night. Well, it turned out it was actually due last night! great. The instructor is a very nice lady and I simply asked her for more time and she emailed me the password to access the work. Yay. Thank You Dr. Forbes! So I worked on that today. But then the last two problems made me cranky... the exponents are just getting to funky. I couldn't help but think that whoever first thought to make exponents negative and then to make exponents as fractions, and then put those negative fractional exponents IN fractions themselves is really a twisted person... a sadist I daresay!

I still haven't done my english homework... but I did work on my speech outline some yesterday. Its starting to get more form. yay.

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