Monday, March 17, 2008

Too Tired to Really Celebrate

Well... the big ugly Econ Midterm was this morning for me. Yes, it's an online class, yes there's a window of time in which to take the midterm. I knew since the begining of the class that the last day to take the midterm was March 17th... but that seemed SO FAR AWAY! It was/is a week after we came back from spring break. And I of course played video games during my spring break, so when I came "back to class" and I realized the midterm was due a week later, well I had to get to work. I hadn't even READ chapters 8-9-10!!!!! What a lousy situation I got myself into.

Short story short... I got an A on my midterm!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 90% I am VERY very pleased. OMG happy actually. I had only scored 82 and 84 on the previous tests... but I did the best I could and I got an A!

Now if I weren't so tired, and with a history test tomorrow and a paper due... maybe I can live it up tomorrow night - wouldn't that be the COOLEST if I get an A on my history test also? I did last time! but last time was easier.... wish me luck!

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