Thursday, March 20, 2008

Spring Break II

Well, it's my kids spring break. After a pretty intense first part of the week with all that I had due (and being sick), we left town on Wednesday. We're in a very nice cabin on the edge of Big South Fork Recreational Area (I think that's what it's called, I just always hear 'big south fork').

Good thing (in a way) so much was due right before we left... it means I can kind of enjoy some down time before things heat up again.

I really didn't do squat yesterday. I had pulled out my econ book to stay on top of the readings to do but after reading about 3 paragraphs and realizing not ONE word was sticking in my brain, I bagged that idea.

My econ book has still been out today, but I've still ignored it. Well, actually I picked it up and brought it with me to this chair but then I decided to fire up my laptop and go to ebay for a new battery charger for my camera (I can't find my original dammit!)... and now here I am at blogger and NOT reading chapter 12 in my book.

Its kinda interesting how both my history and econ classes have just finished at chapter 10 and they're both skipping chapter 11, so for both classes I need to read chapter 12. Kinda weird how both my classes are at the same chapters.

I did read for my enlish comp. class.... Dr. Martin Luther's Letter from Birmingham. There's a writing assignment due on Tuesday. So I'm good shape for that class.

Also today I looked over speech topics for my upcoming persuasive speech. I think I'm going to persuade my audience that incorporating exercise and better diet is easy to do! yee-haw, where's my fritos?

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