Monday, March 24, 2008

Lots to do

I used to think various moments at various jobs were the hardest things I'd done. Then I became a parent, I quickly realized THAT was the hardest job to do. Now I'm a student, and yes, it's hard. I'm still a parent, I'm a wife, I'm kinda selfish - I like to do plenty of things JUST for ME and just because I LIKE IT - so this latest phase of my life is hard.

I have to get my speech put together. The more I think about my instructor, the more I think she's a bitch and I don't like her.

I just took it easy tonight. So I still haven't done my english homework - I'll save it for tomorrow morning - yah, how smart is THAT? Do it the morning it's due? just dumb.

I worked on Math a lot today. I realized I didn't just mess up the schedule on one date. I have a whole other section to cover and the quiz is due on Thursday. I guess you could say I'm a little behind. Good thing quizzes are only 10% of the grade. But still I like to do well.

Econ and History I need to get caught up with the reading. By next Monday for both the classes there's a quiz (history) or a test (econ again)... History I need to cover chapter 12, for Econ I need to cover chapters 12-14 and I've only read ch.12 so far.

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